Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
>> Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> writes:
>> | Would it be ok with you to have something like
>> | Format const *Formats::getFormatFromFile(string filename)
>> | that does what getFormatFromContents() did before your patch?
>> Yes.
>> One solution will be a wrapper function
>> string discoverFormat(string const & filename)
>> {      
>>        string fmt = getFormatFromFile(filename);
>>        if (fmt == "user) {
>>           // try to get format from the Formats
>>        }
>>        return fmt;
>> }
| Why a wrapper function? We never need the part that gets the format from
| file extension alone.

for gzip I have no need to look at the formats... so why ever look
them up?

Why wrapper? The generalized function in support, the specialized
variant in Format. 


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