Whoops, sorry, I was reading messages FIFO instead of LIFO. :-) I note, however, that another of Hal's problems is that LaTeX is not finding .cls files. This has to do with the version of Python running in OS X. I had that problem and fixed it taking the following steps (which I found somewhere):

1. Open a Terminal.app session and run LyX from the command line with the command:


2. From inside LyX, reconfigure (Tools -> Reconfigure).

3. Restart LyX.

This worked like a charm for me — though it doesn't obviously solve the problem with the missing convert binary. Re that problem, trying typing "which convert" from the command line. If nothing shows up, this suggests a problem with your MacTeX installation since (as Stephan noted) I believe this is installed by MacTeX (it's part of the ImageMagick package, which TeX uses for processing graphics). If it does show up, then it's definitely a path problem in your LaTeX or LyX configuration.


Stephan Witt wrote:
Am 18.10.2014 um 18:37 schrieb Hal Kierstead<hal.kierst...@me.com>:

On Oct 18, 2014, at 9:27 AM, Stephan Witt<st.w...@gmx.net>  wrote:

Am 18.10.2014 um 17:28 schrieb Hal Kierstead<hal.kierst...@me.com>:

I am trying to use LyX 2.1.2 with Yosemite, but review does not work for me.  I 
cannot even preview the help manuals.  I can export them to LaTex and then 
compile them with LaTex.  This must be some path problem, but I do not know how 
to deal with it.  Any help would be appreciated.
To diagnose the problem open the messages pane (View menu) and look for error 
If there is none then enable the log output for graphics conversion.

Post the contents here if the solution for the problem isn't obvious.

Stephan -

Thanks for the attention.  This is what I got.  Maybe it should be obvious what 
to do, but its mostly gibberish to me.

That's true. It's cryptic.

1) LyX is missing the "convert" utility.
I think,it's normally part of MacTeX and can be found in directory 
Either LyX cannot access it or the directory is not part of the PATH setting.
You can find it in the Preferences pane (use Command-, to open it).
Check the PATH-Prefix contents - /usr/local/bin should be there.

2) TeX cannot find article.cls and other class files.
These are part of MacTeX and can be found in directory /usr/local/texlive.
For me it's .../2012/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls

Try to reconfigure LyX. But if you never used LyX before it might be pointless.


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