Am Dienstag 28 Juli 2015, 14:31:07 schrieb Michael Berger:
> Ha! There you are, thanks!
> Jürgen, I stripped down the attached LyX-file to the minimum I could.
> You will probably need the bibtex-file too.
> Hope you have all you need now and thanks in advance,

The URLs break rather nicely here except for one (Nom10), which is however 
difficult to break automatically. It gets significantly better if I put the 
following commands in the preamble (these basically instruct LaTeX not to run 
lines into the margins whatsoever):

\tolerance 1414
\hbadness 1414
\emergencystretch 1.5em
\hfuzz 0.3pt
\widowpenalty = 10000
\vfuzz \hfuzz

See attached PDF.

BTW instead of writing "Retrieved May 2015 from:" into the pages field, 
consider using biblatex's urldate field.


> Cheers
> Michael

Attachment: MaHome_url_biblatex.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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