1a. I’d expect the tab to close on middle-click (like Chrome).
1b. I think the tab should close.

2a. I wouldn’t expect anything to happen.
2b. I don’t think anything should happen – but it would be great if there
were a “new tab/document” button (like Chrome). I’d expect that to create a
blank document using whatever the default settings are. (Can this be
specified somewhere?)

-- Shay

On 20 July 2016 at 07:33, Scott Kostyshak <skost...@lyx.org> wrote:

> Dear LyX users,
> I'm implementing a very small feature and before I proceed further I
> would like to get a little feedback. I have two questions that are
> relevant if you have more than one document open in LyX, using tabs.
> 1a. What do you *expect* to happen if you middle-click on a tab?
> 1b. What do you think *should* happen?
> 2a. What do you *expect* to happen if you middle-click on the space to the
> right of the tabs? I'm referring to the blank space where if you had
> more tabs it would take that space up.
> 2b. What do you think *should* happen?
> Note that "nothing" is a perfectly acceptable answer. The "expect"
> question is more about whether you're familiar with how things happen in
> other applications that use tabs; the "should" question is more about
> your opinion on what you would like to happen.
> Scott

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