Am Donnerstag, dem 03.03.2022 um 22:59 +0000 schrieb Graeme via lyx-
> I've just done a clean install of Linux Mint 20.3, and then a full 
> install of TeXLive 2021, which cannot be done with the Mint's
> Synaptic 
> Package Manager. Mint 20.3 includes TeXLive 2019 as part of its 
> distribution, but I have not (yet) installed that version.
> The standard Plain TeX or LaTeX workflows seem to behave normally,
> so 
> I'd now like to install LyX using the (unsupported) PPA 
> available on Launchpad at ppa:lyx-devel/release.
> However, when I try to install it using Mint's Package Manager, it
> lists 
> a number of standard TeX packages that it claims are necessary, and
> will 
> not proceed unless I also install them. These include:
> tex-common
> tex-gyre
> texlive-base
> texlive binaries
> texlive-fonts recommended
> texlive-lang-greek
> texlive-latex-base
> texlive-latex-extra
> texlive-latex-recommended
> texlive-pictures
> texlive-plain-generic
> texlive-science
> tipa
> These are mostly TeXLive 2019 versions for which there are already 
> TeXLive 2021 versions installed. I'd prefer not to have both 2019
> and 
> 2021 versions of TeXLive installed at the same time.
> This prompts a number of linked questions:
> a) Will LyX work OK with a TeXLive 2021 installation?
> b) Is there a way to force Mint's Package Manager to recognise the 
> existence to TeXLive 2021 packages?
> c) Is there a way to install LyX without installing the
> TeXLive 
> 2019 dependencies? (I'd prefer not to have to compile LyX
> from 
> source.)
> d) If I want to install LyX with Mint's Package Manager,
> will 
> this force me to use TeXLive 2019 instead?
> I would welcome advice on how to deal with this problem.
> Graeme


Linux Mint is a Ubuntu derivative, therefore you could proceed
according to the Ubuntu wiki:

* Deinstall all TeXLive-Packages of the distribution
* Install TeXLive manually: look
at the commands under the heading "Manuell"
* Then, in order to install LyX without dependencies do:
 look at the commands under the heading "Paketverwaltung die neue TeX
Live Version mitteilen"

In English:

Hope it helps,

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