On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 09:56:00AM -0600, Bo Peng wrote:
> I am glad to see the about and preference dialogs. Bug 717 has not been 
> fixed, (C-M on \alpha causes compiling error.) is it scheduled to be 
> fixed before 1.3?

Not really as I don't consider it a bug.

You ask for \alpha in text mode and get the same result as entering \alpha
in ERT in text mode.

> Some of my key-bindings do not work and I have to find their new 
> counterparts: accent-vector

math-insert \vec   or  M-m v

> math-row-insert/delete, 

tabular-feature insert-row   or  M-m r i 
tabular-feature delete-row   or  M-m r d

> math-column-insert/delete, dialog-tabular-insert.

M-m w i       M-m w d
> I heard that lyx1.2 is not supposed to be able to read files from 1.3, 
> is that true?

Not sure, but may be.


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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