On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 11:52:55AM -0600, Bo Peng wrote:
> Thank you Andre'! This will definitely help.

I just commited the patch.
> Anyway, what is the improvements of 1.3's math-mode than 1.2.1?

Improvements... the big one is probably the ability to handle \mbox, \fbox
and other "mode switching commands" more or less correctly. Handling of {}.

Apart from that it is mostly internal stuff. A couple of new symbols like
support for wasy etc. Somewhat better parser. Some bug fixes.

> I understand that 1.3 change this behavior (from binary math/text to
> nested) on purpose but as far as I concern, I am pretty satisfied with
> what lyx1.2's math-mode does and see no need of change...

And some people are satisfied with 1.1.6. The problem is, the older
versions do some things conceptually wrong. Like nested math/text which was
impossible to support with 1.1/1.2 internal structures.  (I do not mean
switching just once from math to text, but to embed new math in the text.
And, yes, this is done pretty often in "plain LaTeX").

So we basically had a choice: Live with 1.1.6/1.2 and never be able to
implement e.g. \mbox, or try to get it right. I opted for the latter, but I
do not claim that it is right now already, but it is certainly "better".


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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