On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 05:00:41PM +0100, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 09:56:00AM -0600, Bo Peng wrote:
> > I am glad to see the about and preference dialogs. Bug 717 has not been 
> > fixed, (C-M on \alpha causes compiling error.) is it scheduled to be 
> > fixed before 1.3?

> Not really as I don't consider it a bug.

> You ask for \alpha in text mode and get the same result as entering \alpha
> in ERT in text mode.

I have expressed my opinion before but I would like to say it again. 
Yes, it is user's fault but if this mistake is so easy to make (in a 
formula, C-M to enter some text, enter some math without C-M again) and 
so difficult to identify (lyx displays and saves/loads it 'correctly'!), 
should lyx be nice enough to do something?

What makes a fix reasonable is that lyx 1.2 gracefully allows users to 
enter \alpha,\sum etc without worrying about text or math mode and we 
are spoiled! When I encountered this problem in lyx1.3, my only thought 
was a bug. 

Put this to an extreme, whatever users can enter into lyx 'normally' 
through keyboard, menu, (preamble, ERT do not count here), they should 
not expect compiling errors. Is this reasonable? There is another 
similar example we have discussed before, user opens a new document, 
insert math-case, compiling error! It is very difficult to do this with 
latex but we should at least go this direction.

If you are not going to fix this problem, would you at least warn the 
users in whatsnew.txt? (I doubt how many people will read it though.)

Bo Peng

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