The problem seems to be a conflict between drftcite and hyperref. On my
linux machine, the versions are hyperref v6.72e and drftcite 3.7; the
windows latex gets hyperref v6.72y and drftcite 3.9. 

After overwriting the drftcite 3.9 with 3.7, the stack problem is
solved. But the citation references are in trouble (got '?').

I need the drftcite package so I can see the bibtex key as the key I
wrote in the bibtex files but not numbers.  If there is an alternative
solution, I'd drop the drftcite package.

Thanks for your help.

--- Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, it is probably correct, that the problem is not
> in the TeX distribution (all of them are capable of processing
> basically any document these days) but in your document.

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