>>>>> "Andre" == Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andre> On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:45:44AM -0800, Max Bian wrote:
>> So sockets are just the same as pipes if they are not better.

Andre> Pipes are more convenient until Dekel comes up with that script
Andre> he suggested to use.

>> > Even better, it should be "lyx --remote <command>".

Andre> I don't understand this suggestion. Should that invoke a
Andre> separate LyX instance? Running where? On the same machine where
Andre> the LyX process I am talking to runs?

I mean that, instead of having a script, one could launch LyX with
some special --remote flag saying ``hey, I do not want to run you, but
just send this command to another running lyx for me, will you?''.

The interest of doing that is that you do not need to know what means
of communication is used and also lyx will read its own prefs to guess
where the pipe is. And if you run lyx 1.3.0 and lyx 1.4.0cvs at the
same time with different .lyx dirs, you will be sure to communicate
with the right one.


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