Tysdag 19. april 2005 14:27 skreiv Steve Litt:
> On Monday 18 April 2005 07:00 pm, pano karambelas wrote:
> > Steve -
> >
> > Just to understand, do your comments apply to mathematical/technical
> > documents that are < 10 K words as well ?
> Mathematical, no. MS Word has no reasonable way to do equations. Other tech
> docs, yes. Prose and screenshots are easy in the various word processors.

As I see it there is nothing wrong with using LyX for everything large and 
small that are going to be published on paper or pdf. With one exception, 
Posters and other things (Birthdaycards etc) that are one off and highly 
styledependent. (I use Kword for these things.)

I think Steve's main argument that it takes to long to change the standard in 
LyX to make it usable for short texts is based on that you have to do a 
custom styling every time you want to write a letter or memo or something. 
Most of these short texts is similar every time and if you spend a couple of 
hours making a custom template, you can use this every time you write a 
letter or a memo or whatever you write.  This way using LyX for short texts 
is a breeze.

There is another reason to use LyX for short texts as well, familiarity, the 
more you use the application the more you learn about it, the easier it is to 

And finally, in my experience it is not always easy to get openoffice/word to 
do what you want,either. It took me almost an hour to get openoffice to 
include figures in the document instead of linking to them. :). And I still 
can't get the stylist do what I want, it is better than word95 (last version 
I have used), but still awful compared to LyX/LaTeX.


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