On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 09:55:44 -0500
Neal Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I recall hitting this problem once before, but I forgot what the fix was. 
> I'm using ams article.  The output has a header that says:
> englishMyTitle
> instead of 
> MyTitle
Yeah, I have this problem, too, and have had through several system updates.
It was explained to me on this list that it is a LaTeX issue, not a LyX one.
Specifically, it is a problem with babel.  Supposedly, new versions of babel
(and/or amslatex) fix this, but I am not so sure, since I use debian etch
which has fairly new versions of those packages.

My current workaround is to export the TeX file, then comment out the babel
package.  It then seems to work correctly.  


David L. Johnson

   __o   | Accept risk.  Accept responsibility.  Put a lawyer out of
 _`\(,_  | business.  
(_)/ (_) | 

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