On Oct 2, 2007, at 2:03 PM, Donn Ingle wrote:

While I have your help, how do I stack minipages on below the other so
that if a poem is short enough for two or three to fit in the height
of the page, they do?

I have been mucking around with minipages and there's a large random
element involved -- not much info in the help. At the moment they
either insist on a page to themselves or they sort of overlap other
text or the bottom of the page.

I'm not sure precisely what the difficulty is, but here's another example with several poems right on top of each other. The first 2 poems that are side-by-side; this was obtained by adjusting the sum of their widths to be < 100% of the line width, and by putting them on the same line, separated by a single space. All other poems are in their own paragraphs, which results in them getting stacked on top of each other.

Note that minipages will not break across pages, as is clear from the 3rd poem -- the longer one -- that's in my example. I'm not sure what to tell you to do if you have really long poems that you want to break across pages.


Attachment: Poetry-example.lyx
Description: Binary data

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