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Miguel Daniel Rodríguez Magarzo ha scritto:
> Hi again,
> ...
> In the master, Document > Settings > Language > Spanish, and encoding
> "LaTeX default"
> but into each child document, I have set Language Spanish too, but
> encoding "utf8", with good results. 
> If I switch to "utf8" in the master settings, the xdvi preview gives me
> a lot of warnings about this fact, obviously. 

It is really important that you check twice and make sure that all
child documents are encoded in "utf8", because just one miss can
cause that complaint. Here, with LyX 1.5.4 on Linux and Italian
language, I can not reproduce the behaviour you are describing.

> So I don't know what to do, if I should abandon the idea of building a
> master document,since I don't see clearly which advantages it really
> provides. Anyone could point me any? Besides, the master document has

Until now (LyX 1.5.4), I think that having a master document has the
only advantage of allowing you to build a single pdf/ps/whatever
output file, out of all the child documents, without the need for
merging them with 3rd party applications.

Another advantage is that you can write child documents without
thinking much about little inter-chapter LaTeX adjustments; then you
can put all the ERT adjustments in the master file. I hope you
understand my pseudo-English. ;)

It is likely that further versions will permit you to perform better
and deeper management of child documents from within the master.

> not built-in the sets of child documents, has it? Consequently, the

If I understand right, you are asking if master document contains
the list of its child documents. The answer to this question is
obviously yes :) but I'm not sure that this is what you mean..

Best regards.

- --
Filippo Zangheri

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