> With this fix, your lyx example can be set to use the language "Greek
> (polytonic)".
> However, as the tilde acts as a non-breakable space in LaTeX, it is
> escaped by LyX (converted to \asciitilde) and hence the example will only
> work right, if you put the tilde (or the whole text) in an ERT box or
> just insert a non-breakable space instead.
> See the attached example.
> Question to the developers: Would it be possible to pass the tilde '~'
> to LaTeX as-is if the language is set to polutonikogreek?

please correct me if i'm wrong, but i think this is wrong direction. how will
you determine nonbreak. space vs tilde accent then?

Anthony wrote that he does not see tilde over character, but i dont have any 
problems with
it. When you put "tilde-accent" into the command buffer and then strike the 
desired key,
tilde is not working for you? tex output is then \~{character}.


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