On 25.06.08, Daniel Clément wrote:
> On Wednesday 25 june 2008 à 12:19 +0200, G. Milde wrote:

> > Could you find out whether the character inserted via dead-´ + c is
> > *one* character (c with accent) or 
> > *two* characters (c + combining acute acctent)

> Not quite sure how to check this but I'd bet on "single character"...

OK. Just let's assume this.

> (BTW I couldn't paste the character in question from LyX into this
> message.)

Maybe you are not using a utf-8 enabled mailer. 

> > Maybe LyX does not map it to ç because it does not "see" the defined char.

> Do you mean: in the kmap file, or the bind file? If the latter, it has
> to be something like that, because I do have some personal keybindings
> that work.

The bind file. It uses a special naming for non-ASCII input. Looking at the
bind files that ship with LyX helps: 

$LYXDIR/bind/latinkeys.bind contains the definition:

\bind "cacute"                  "self-insert"

which you should change to "unicode-insert ..." (as proposed earlier in this

Hope this helps.

BTW: Alternatives that work here are 

  1. "Combining-Key + Komma" followed by c. (in my setup, X11 translates
     this to ç, Combining-Key is the Windows Key)
  2. \bind "Meta ,"   "accent-cedilla"
     and then Alt-, c.

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