Thanks to Paul and J?n for their quick replies.

The solution I was looking for was exactly what J?n suggested.
I have created the .inc-file and it works fine, thank you.

I have only some additional questions:
1.) In the Lyx view of the document the numbering for the newly aux?

2.) The document I'm writing on uses KOMA-Script Book. I have changed the 
position of the table captions with the option "tablecaptionabove" in Document 
Settings>Document Class>Options. How can I get this positioning also for the 
newly created float-type?

Best wishes,

P.S. I think adding this to the linguistics module in 1.6 would be great.

----- original Nachricht --------

Betreff: Re: Change the Floatname only for some Floats
Gesendet: Sa 06 Sep 2008 08:55:37 CEST
Von: "J?n Spitzm?r"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> > > (Right now, Linguists know what kind of document I'm working on ;-)
> >
> > Not a linguist.  Therefore not a clue.  
> LinguistLyX would have given you an "pointing hand" to the theory Johannes
> is 
> working with ;-)
> > Wish I'd read this yesterday -- 
> > I met a couple (my first two linguists!) at a reception.  Doesn't
> > matter; to each his own.  :-)
> >
> > > Is this possible?
> >
> > If you want Tables and Tableaus (Tableaux? my spellchecker seems to
> > prefer the latter -- but then it doesn't believe spellchecker is a word)
> > to share a common number sequence (e.g., Table 1 followed by Tableau 2
> > followed by Table 3), it's easy.  Put usepackage{caption} in the
> > preamble.  Put captionsetup{name=Tableau} in ERT inside those table
> > floats that you want to be tableaux.
> In the other case, create a file that is included in your
> layout 
> file and has a content such as this:
> Float
>       Type                  tableau
>       GuiName               Tableau
>       Placement             tbp
>       Extension             loo
>       NumberWithin          none
>       Style                 plain
>       ListName              "List of Tableaux"
>       LaTeXBuiltin          false
> End
> Have a look at for a model.
> For 1.6, we could include this into the Linguistics module.
> J?n

--- original Nachricht Ende ----

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