On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Konrad Hofbauer
> muzzle wrote:
>> Well, I do have several options in the menu, but I would like to
>> change the default for the toolbar button, is it possible?
> Not with the GUI, I believe.
> It should be possible by creating your own *.ui files.
> Look at what is in /Applications/LyX.app/Contents/Resources/ui/, create your
> own set of *.ui and *.inc files, put them in your user-directory and select
> them in the Preferences.

sorry for the late resurrection of the thread
I tried to work on this, failed, left the problem aside. This morning
I tried again but with no luck yet

I copied the content of the ui directory inside .lyx/ui as you
suggested and tried to modify the menus.
The relevant lines seem to be:

                Item "View PDF (pdflatex)" "buffer-view pdf2"
                Item "Update PDF (pdflatex)" "buffer-update pdf2"

in but stdtoolbars.inc, I tried to change it but I made lyx crash, I
could not guess how to get it to use dvipdfm. I suppose I could copy
the code from the entry in the File menu, but I could not find it.

Do you have any idea how to solve this?



> /Konrad

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