> I'm totally annoying of installing the Lyx 1.6.
> My system is Windows xp, I have Miktex 2.7 be installed already.
> I have tried
> "LyX-1.6.0-1-Installer.exe"
> or
> "LyX-160-4-15-AltInstaller-Small.exe"
> But none of them can be properly installed.
> Here is my problem:
> Every time during the last period of installing, it will connect to the 
internet and downloading
> something Lyx seems missing.(I think the python will do this, and download it 
behind the screen).
> But it takes *several hours*!!! I can't wait it for too long, So, I just 
disconnect my networks,
> then, the installation finished.

This was a bad choice. When LyX is installed, its configure script checks the existing LaTeX system. So it asks latex.exe if several LaTeX-packages are available. latex.exe then automatically downloads the missing packages asked by LyX. Depending on your Internet connection, this can indeed take hours (usually it takes 10 minutes with a DSL connection). When you abort this process, you kill the configuration script of LyX and still have an incomplete LaTeX installation and therefore get problems.

So you have to with the time until the downloading and installation is done. The Alternative installer therefore displays the current download and installation state in a console Window.

To speed up the installation a bit I suggest to uninstall MiKTeX _completely_ and reinstall it using the basic MiKTeX installation you can download from here:
(Then you have the latest version that fixed some nasty bugs. Otherwise the lyX installer would do the update for you, but this takes longer than reinstalling MiKTeX.)
Then reinstall LyX and wait the needed time. This is all you can do.

regards Uwe

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