Installed the new Lyx 1.6.2 the other day on a Windows XP x64 machine, but 
found that there are problems with the GUI.  If on moves one of the toolbars to 
somewhere else on the toolbar area then stop and restart the program it the 
toolbar is at a different position.  Also when the program installed it did not 
find my Miktex distribution, location even though it indicated that the 
distribution existed.  Finally the program started by opening a command console 
and then closing it after the main Lyx program started.  Seems that there have 
been a number of bug issues introduced with this "bug maintenance" release.
Have other users experienced there issues?
Thanks in advance.


Bob Betz


Dr. Robert Betz
Ampcontrol Professor of Power Engineering,
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Chief Technical Consultant
ResTech Pty Ltd
Deputy Head of Faculty,
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
University of Newcastle, Australia.

TEL: +61-2-4921-6091
FAX: +61-2-4921-6993
Mobile: (+61)-(0)419249948


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