Richard Heck <> writes:

> James C. Sutherland wrote:
>> I think that we could benefit from a detailed description of how to
>> create modules, and what all of the knobs mean.  For example, I
>> struggled with determining how to set a "LabelType" and
>> "LabelString" in LyX.  I never got quite what I wanted: something
>> like "Task 1"  "Task 2"  etc.  The closest I could get was "Task" or
>> "1" but not a string and a counter together.  The compiled output
>> looks fine, but in LyX it isn't quite what I would like...
> I'll try to have a look at this. I've been puzzled myself about how
> the item counters, etc, work, and frustrated by similar limitations.
> I'm not sure there is any way to get exactly what you want in an item-
> or list-type environment.

Look at the chapter style:

Style Chapter
        Margin                Static
        Category              Section
        LabelString               "Chapter \thechapter"
        LabelStringAppendix   "Appendix \thechapter"
        LabelType                   Counter
        LabelCounter            chapter

Easy, isn't it?


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