On Wednesday 12 August 2009, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Dynamic link (user sees a table in the LyX doc, and can interact
> with it, making changes in the spreadsheet).  This would typically occur
> with the user reading the finished product (PDF, DVI) in a viewer, not
> reading it in LyX, so you get into issues of whether the viewer program
> supports this sort of embedding.  For instance, if you export the
> document in HTML and view it in a browser, I think there are browser
> plugins that let you edit a spreadsheet in situ (although I confess I've
> never done it).

This kind of approach is possible in theory: for example, if you have a figure 
in LyX which is a Grace file, editing that file in Grace will change the 
figure in Lyx immediately.  That is not the same as just editing an image: 
the Grace file is actually displayed in LyX using Grace in a command line 

The problem with a spreadsheet is that Excel does not (as far as I know) have 
a command line interface.  Neither does OpenOffice.org.  Gnumeric has a 
Python API which might be usable, but I haven't tried it.  The best 
possibility I'm aware of is the Perl module XLSperl 
(http://search.cpan.org/~jonallen/XLSperl-0.7/bin/XLSperl) which could be 
used to build an image from specified sheet, rows and columns. Once you have 
done this, the Perl script could be used in a converter (XLS->EPS, for 
example). But I don't think it would be a trivial task to do this.


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