On 2009-11-19, Rob Oakes wrote:

> ...  While reading through the old emails, I was able to
> resolve the problem. 

Unfortunately, you still did not write, how you process your document
with XeTeX. (Export with File>Export>LaTeX (XeTeX) or something alike?)

> To solve it, I went to Tools->Preferences->LaTeX
> and changed the TeX encoding to a null value (blank).  

This should not be necessary if you export for XeTeX. Otherwise, it is
a bug.

> I also had to change the underlying document class to load its
> defaults from the scrbook document class instead of from book.  The only
> font that I could get to reliably work with book was computer modern


> The only explanation that I could come up with for my problem was that
> the Open Type font I was given isn't compatible with a T1 font encoding.

Any system font is not compatible with T1 font encoding and
fontenc is not needed with XeTeX.

> I tried to create a font definition and proper LaTeX package for it, but
> finally got frustrated and just gave up.

You can only create a "XeTeX package" for OpenType fonts (relying on

> As I mentioned in my last email, it has been s a very frustrating two
> days.  Whenever I have this much trouble with a piece of technology, I
> like to create a brief write up of the things that I learned.  It gives
> me a reference to go back to in the future.  Topics I'd like to include
> are a discussion of the LaTeX fonts, TeX encoding, and what LyX does by
> default.

> Is anyone aware of a resource (wiki, book chapter, webpage, or blog)
> that discusses the fontenc and fontspec packages in detail?  I think
> that my issue is fairly specific to xetex, so that mailing list may be a
> better place to ask. 

There is a "XeTeX compagnion" PDF available on the net. Also, the XeTeX
home site at SIL should link to more documentation about these issues.

LaTeX font handling (via fontenc) is described in the fntguide.pdf that
should come with every LaTeX distribution.


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