On Tuesday 08 June 2010 03:24:01 Daniel Lohmann wrote:

> Steve (and others),
> I know that you a are a friend of pragmatic solutions (recalling the
>  recurring discussion on how to do the front matter), so here is mine with
>  respect to beamer, which kind of resembles your front-matter approach :-)
> I tried for about a day to implement my group's slide style with beamer,
>  including a logo on every slide, of course, but also some other graphical
>  elements. (If there is one thing I really dislike about beamer than it are
>  the standard styles. I have seen them just too many times, they look all
>  the same. IMHO, it should not be overly obvious to the audience which tool
>  the presenter has used to create her presentation!)
> After fiddling around just too long with pgfimage and Co I gave up and went
>  for the brute force approach. I "draw" the slide style with my graphics
>  program of choice into an PDF image of exactly 128x96 mm (the dimensions
>  of a beamer slide). Then I install this as the "background" image on every
>  page. I do not use any additional beamer style stuff, and -- voila, there
>  we are. In the style file this looks as follows:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> % background image setup
> %
> % This is the real trick :-) All graphical elements of the i4-layout are
>  just % in the background image. To support the "plain"-option for frames,
>  we actually % need two different background images (and probably a third
>  one for the title % slide, don't know yet)
> %
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>   \usebackgroundtemplate{
>     \ifbea...@plainframe%
>       \includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{beamerthemei4_bgplain}%
>     \else %
>       \includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{beamerthemei4_bg}
>     \fi%
>   }
> Of course, this approach is not really the "beamer philosophy". You cannot
>  combine it as smoothly with outer styles, inner styles, and all this stuff
>  ... but what the heck -- I do not need (pseudo-) variety, I need just ONE
>  style "done right".
> Here is a link to an example presentation:
> http://www4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/Publications/2010/urban_10_aosd-slid
> es.pdf
> Daniel

Nice! You can put your logo anywhere you want. You can have two logos. You can 
have any repeating graphic.

I should have thought of this myself, because philosophically, it's just like 
my frequent admonition to "fingerpaint the frontmatter."

/* NOTE: I wrote the preceding sentence before I saw that you had already made 
this very point */

Daniel, your solution inspired me to solve the other Beamer problem I'd been 
having. I enjoy having text blocks in my presentations where the text block is 
maybe 60% of the width, and centered. The width of a Beamer block can be 
altered by a \setlength{\textwidth}, but no matter what I did with \center, 
\centering, \hskip, \leftskip, I couldn't center it.

So finally I used columns, ONLY on the text block. Here's how I did it:

\frametitle{Block of Text}
        \item This is line 1
        \item This is line 2
                \vskip 4pt
                \begin{block}{This Is a Block}
                Steve was here
                and now is gone
                but left his name
                to carry on.
                \vskip 5pt

                As you can see, this is a block with lots of text.
                \vskip 10pt
        \item This is line 3
        \item This is line 4

Daniel -- thanks so much for solving this problem. It was really bothering me. 
Now I feel a lot better about moving forward with Beamer.

Ehud and Daniel, what other Beamer difficulties can you think of? I'm having a 
lot of trouble getting onto the Beamer-Latex mailing list, so this is the most 
authoritative Beamer knowledge source I have.



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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