On 16/07/2010 5:32 AM, Sajjad wrote:
Hello Forum,

I have made similar post couple of months ago. The new class that i am
trying to incorporate into LyX layout is accompanied by a description of the
class file.

I did some configuration so  that get the liuthesis.layout in
Document->settings->Document class option combox box. I believe that it is
not enough to get started with the writing yet.

And i am kind of confused how to make the related configuration in the
layout file. Lets take an example:

1. In the accompanied manual, it specifies number of options that i can set.
One of the options is "Output format". The possible values for this option

    -      print.
    - ePress.
    - pdfRelease.
    - draft.

How to specifiy this option in the layout file. I have checked the
customization chapter for LyX. Should it go under the section "ClassOptions"
section or "AddToPreamble" ?

There are several other Macros in the accompanied pdf file that must be
configured in  the layout file.

During the previous post, one Julien showed me some hint ; like inputting
the department name of the thesis that i am writing for and it was specified
in the class options from LyX Documents Settings menu. He suggested this
based on his extensive experience with LyX.

Now if i have to specify the department name in the liuthesis.layout file it
should have went into "ClassOptions" section and  inside "Other" subsection.
Shouldn't it?

I need some suggestion make this mapping between the manual that i have now
and .layout file that i have to edit. Some of the macros defined in the
manual has no corresponding options defined in the LyX manual. What to do



I don't have much time at the moment to help with the layout, but if I remember correctly you had a basic layout file to get started, no? It would be useful to share it if you do have one, so that other users can help enhance it.

In any case, I should say that not having the layout file does not prevent you from starting to use LyX to write your thesis. Just use a layout such as book or report and use the standard markups like chapter, section, figures, theorems, etc. These are standard markups and will be understood when you change your layout (once you have a working liuthesis.layout). On the other hand, I would advise not to fill the frontmatter yet since this is where liuthesis.cls uses a lot of custom commands.


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