On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Daniel CLEMENT <dcleme...@sfr.fr> wrote:
> Thanks, that did the trick.
> I had to install the tex-gyre package. Then...
> Liviu Andronic wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Daniel CLEMENT <dcleme...@sfr.fr> wrote:
>> > Hum... On the attached .PDF, I do see the ligature between the two
>> > "ff" (which I usually miss) and the dashes (which I have).
>> >
>> > However, I don't see any ligature between "f" and "i", either in "fi" or
>> > "ffi".
>> >
>> > (I am under 1.6.9 so I was unable to open the attached .LYX file.)
>> >
>> Open in a text file and see the lines in the preamble.
> ... the \usepackage{tgpagella} allowed me to get nicely linked "ff".
> Definitely an improvement. Maybe LyX could load _this_ package for
> Palatino fonts, if it just supersedes mathpazo?
>> > Could something be wrong/missing with my setup (1.6.9 / Ubuntu Lucid /
>> > Evince)?
>> >
>> On the same set-up I tried with acroread, and there too there's no
>> ligature for 'fi'.
> This probably makes sense, since the hook of the "f" is very short in
> Palatino...
See [1] for the list of expected ligatures.
[1] http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/palatino/


>> Regards
>> Liviu
> [...]
> Regards,
> --
> Daniel CLEMENT

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

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