On 2011-04-07, Daniel CLEMENT wrote:
> Liviu Andronic wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Daniel CLEMENT <dcleme...@sfr.fr> wrote:

> ... the \usepackage{tgpagella} allowed me to get nicely linked "ff".

> Definitely an improvement. Maybe LyX could load _this_ package for
> Palatino fonts, if it just supersedes mathpazo?

It does not supersede mathpazo:

* tgpagella is not a TeX standard package:

  > I had to install the tex-gyre package. Then...

* tgpagella and mathpazo have different small caps versions. Opinions
  differ on which is better but seems to be biased towards the mathpazo
* tgpagella does not set up math fonts (there is an "experimental"
  qpxmath package for this task).
OTOH, adding GUI support for TeX Gyre and other widely used fonts is on
the LyX feature-wish list since long...


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