On 2011-06-13, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

> On Jun 10, 2011, at 3:42 PM, Guenter Milde wrote:

>> On 2011-06-10, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
>>> At various spots within a document where paragraphs are separated  
>>> with indentation, I often have claims, propositions, laws, etc, which I
>>> would like formatted flush left with some vertical space before and
>>> after. 


>> How about the FancyBreak module?


> Günter, what if I need the the format of this fancy break text to be  
> like the text after a section in the Article class: flush left (no  
> indent) and justified, rather than centered.

The FancyBreak style is intended just for the break, either with no
text at all or with some decoration (e.g. three stars). The
"KeepEmpty" keyword ensures that LyX will not delete this special
paragraph even when it is empty.

The to-be-separated paragraph (claim, proposition, ...) should be
typed after another [Return] in a paragraph of Standard (or whatever)

The basic idea is a promintent separator between standard paragraphs.

                                *  *  *

However, in your case you could consider to write a special Style for
your claims, propositions, laws ... that would take content and give
it the desired formatting.

> Then I should replace the  
> choice "center" for Align and AlignPossible with ....? And should I  
> replace something in the Preamble part?

both. The "normal" keywords tell LyX what to show and what to do,
while the Preamble defines the command for LaTeX.


Style Proposition
       LatexName        proposition
       LatexType        command
       ParSep           1
       NextNoIndent     1
               \vskip 0.5\baselineskip
               \noindent #1
               \vskip 0.5\baselineskip

If the proposition (or ...) may contain more than one paragraph, the
Style should be defined as an environment and the second+ paragraphs
nested ...

See the section on new layouts in Help>Customization.


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