On 7/10/2013 4:49 a.m., Richard Heck wrote:
On 10/06/2013 07:33 AM, Mark Horton wrote:
Hi Developers

It would make navigation a lot easier for large documents if we had the
the ability to generate a contents of Chapters at the start.

Plus a more detailed contents page at the start of each Chapter.

This is a LaTeX issue, first and foremost. It's easy to get only the
chapters in the TOC initially. (See Document> Settings> Numbering and
TOC). It's getting the TOCs for each chapter that is the issue. But I
believe there are LaTeX packages that will do this. Go to CTAN.org and
search for them, or try googling. If you can find it, then, at a bare
minimum, you could do this with ERT, and you can also file an
enhancement request for native support for the package.


I've used the LaTeX minitoc package successfully with LyX for a large book (600 pages). It creates a table of contents for each chapter, inserted at the start of the chapter. I restricted the main TOC at the start of the book to section level, but each chapter TOC was to subsubsection level. Each chapter has \minitoc in ERT after the chapter heading, but that's all, so ERT use is minimal. The preamble to the master document (each chapter is a child document & has nothing in the preamble) has


which shows the kind of tailoring to individual whims that is possible.


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