Wolfgang Engelmann <engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de> írta:
>p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
>On Monday 13 January 2014 09:06:33 Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>> Note, though, that BibTeX (or Biblatex) can only parse the name properly
>> without any braces, and if it given in one of the following three forms:
>> &quot;First von Last&quot;
>> &quot;von Last, First&quot;
>> &quot;von Last, Jr, First&quot;
>> That is, the example should be entered as:
>> de la Iglesia, H. O. and Cambras, T.
>> or
>> H. O. de la Iglesia and T. Cambras
>> Then, it is the task of the bibtex or biblatex style file output the
>> name as you prefer.
>Thanks for this. Is there a site which shows examples for various styles which 
>give an output like
>Iglesia, de la
>in the references.
>I used Kluwer style and the output is
>de la Iglesia

There is graphical bibtex style file (bst file) generator, bib-it.


It is a java application. In the tools menu there is a style-generator option.

Its usage is documented here:


It saves two bst files. One ending with .bst for numbered citations, and 
another one ending with _nat.bst for author-name citations.


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