Wolfgang Engelmann <engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de> írta:
>p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
>On Thursday 16 January 2014 14:52:42 Csikos Bela wrote:
>> Wolfgang Engelmann  írta:
>> I suggest visiting the http://tex.stackexchange.com/ site and ask your
>> question there.
>> I doubt you will find anyone on this list who knows how to hack/edit a
>> bst file in such details.
>> Regards,
>> bcsikos
>Thanks, Csikos,
>but this site is too confusing for me. Do I have to be a member, how do I 
>become one?

Well, that site was/is confusing for me too. But it has advantage too: you can 
post/ask question as a guest, don't have to register.

I try to explain what I know.

For example look at the follwong question:


Near to the top there is the title of the question, practically the question 

Dissertation: How to customize *.bst?

Below that you  see a number (currently 11): this number indicates how many 
people found this question useful (how many people voted it). Above and below 
the number the nib shaped arrow for voting up or down the question (up: you 
find it useful, down: you find it bad). There is tooltip for the arrows if you 
hover the mouse on them.

Below the question there are comments. These should not be answers, only 
additional information related to the question. You can add clarifying 
information to the question for example. After adding a comment, for a limited 
time you can change/edit your comment.

Below the comments ther are the answers. If there are several answers, they are 
ordered according to the numbers at their left side. The numbers here are also 
votes, indicating how many user found the answer useful. The most useful answer 
goes closest to the question. Each answer might have their own comments, 
similarly to questions.

Regarding etiquette: It is expected not to use greetings, signature, "thank 
you" etc., only write down your question/comment/answer. The author's name  is 
put there by the system, you don't have to include it.

If you want to ask a question, click the "Ask question" button (right side 
close to the top on the page).  You add your question title, and in the window 
below write your question.
If you want to add computer code start the it with 4 space and it will be 
presented as computer code. There are other formatting aids and help pages.
You have to add max 5 tags. You write the tag which triggers the system to show 
a list of tags to choose from.

Finally you click "Post question"



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