> 2014-03-28 13:58 GMT+01:00 Mark Salmon <markhsal...@gmail.com>:
>> Aplogies for lack of immediate  response - I had to teach. I have had
>> frustrations with Lyx  ever since I moved from SciWord several years ago.
>> Yesterday I upgraded to the latest beta and now when I try and load up a New
>> file I get the error message that there is no begin document command when
>> there clearly is in the source file- I wasted half a day trying to work out
>> what was wrong- in fact I still don¹t know what was wrong but by removing use
>> theme warsaw from the Latex preamble it works for some reason- secondly the
>> installation on MacOSx does not drop the relevant files -templates  etc. in
>> the right places where the system can find them ‹- so when I ask for a New
>> from template I am told the file will not compile as it requires external
>> files which are not available.etc. Etc. etc. can you understand how
>> frustrating this is when you are under pressure???  I am not a TeX speaker
>> but someone who needs to use the wonderful system that  you have helped to
>> create in a professional context. HoweverŠ. It is just a real pain that it
>> does not work properly on a Mac largely because of install problems I
>> believe. I fully understand your effort and all those who along with you have
>> helped create Lyx in the form it is today ­ thank you- but that is not the
>> point ­ nobody should put any software out to the public which does not work
>> as it should­ my time as yours is valuable. It is simply not professional.
> 1. If you install beta software, be aware that it is beta software. The
> announcement of LyX 2.1beta and LyX 2.1rc clearly state that "this release is
> for testing purposes only, users are encouraged to use current 2.0 stable
> release for any serious work."
> 2. LyX is a community project, not a commercial product. The developers are
> all volunteers and have jobs (I am, as you, a researcher and teacher at the
> university). So if you do not have time to give at least constructive feedback
> (one way of "participating"), then use commercial software and pay for the
> support.
> Regards
> Jürgen

I completely agree with Jurgen "when I ask for a New from template I am told
the file will not compile as it requires external files which are not
available.etc² is not really helpful for solving your problem. (A good idea
if you want someone to really help you is to make it as easy as possible for
them ­ if you just want to complain that is another thing ;-)

Anyway, if I try to reproduce on a freshly installed 2.1rc1 on a Mac by
taking the elsarticle template, i get an error that
../examples/biblioExample.bib is not found. (I assume the reason is that the
template resides in ~/Library/Application Support/Lyx-2.1/templates/ but
gets moved to ~/Documents/ when you create a new file.

If your problem is something like that (which, as said, I don¹t know) then
click on the gray box with BibTeX-generated bibliography, remove the current
database and add the biblioExample by browsing and selecting
~/Library/Application Support/Lyx-2.1/examples/biblioExample.bib
And now it works.
I agree that this is not really good, but I suspect it could be a bit
difficult to solve. Also you usually provide your own bibliography when
using the template.

As I said, I have no idea if your problem is similar (judging from the first
comment, I would suspect that you would also require a Reconfigure of LyX
and possible to do a sudo texhash from the Terminal to get things to work).
But as Jürgen pointed out: If you can¹t take time to explain what your
problem is, then buy commercial program/support (especially if they get paid
by the hour in supporting ;-)

Have a nice weekend!

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