On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 11:09 PM, William Hanson <whan...@umn.edu> wrote:

> Sorry, but I do not seem to be able to reply except by "top posting".
> I'm using Windows, 64 bit.
> Here's the very end of my .tex file:
> \begin{quotation}
> \bibliographystyle{plain}
> \bibliography{\string"//phil-home.ad.umn.edu/phil-home$/whanson/My
> Documents/BibTeX/library\string"}
> \end{quotation}
> \end{document}
> I have tried removing the space in "...My Documents ...", but it doesn't
> help.  In fact in the process of removing the spaces I've somehow managed
> to mess up my document so that now when I convert it to a pdf file there
> are no references at the end.  And in the text all the citations say [?].
I suppose removing the space in "My Documents" won't help---not, that is,
unless you actaully rename the "My Documents" directory in Windows to
"MyDocuments". And that is not a great idea, as "My Documents" is a Windows
standard directory and renaming it will undoubtedly mess things up badly,
At any rate, since the the address of your bib file is wrapped by a \string
command, it should actually work even if it contains a space---that is what
the \string command should take care of. In theory at least.
We need to know exactly what is the problem that prevents bibtex from
producing a bbl file. I would suggest the following if you'd like more help:

1. Export your file  to Latex(plain) and produce something called
2. Run "pdflatex myfile.tex" in a terminal.
3. You will see that pdflatex produces (in addition to myfile.pdf) a file
called myfile.log.
4. Post that file to the list
5. Run "bibtex myfile" and cut and paste everything bibtex spits to the
terminal into another file. Call it myfile.bib.log.
6. Post that file to the list as well

(there are more elegant ways to collect a program's output than what I just
suggested, but I don't know how to accomplish them in Windows. Perhaps
other users may help. But the above should work)


> Bill
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 2:47 PM, stefano franchi <
> stefano.fran...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 2:26 PM, William Hanson <whan...@umn.edu> wrote:
>>> Well, I got as far as your 3, that is I ran bibtex on myfile.tex from
>>> the command line.  It gave me lots of LateX Errors, like
>>> LaTeX Warning: Citation `plantinga:1985a' on page 2 undefined on input
>>> line 103
>> That probably means bibtex cannot find your bib file(s).  Look at the
>> .tex file in anb editor. At the very end (most likely the next to last
>> line), you'll see a line like:
>> \bibliography{....}
>> Inside the braces you will have the complete path to your bibtex file
>> (the .bib file, but without the extension). Check that:
>> 1. That path is indeed correct (is the file really there?).
>> 2, There are no spaces in the path (fix the problem if otherwise. Easiest
>> way is to copy your lyx file and your bib file to a temporary directory in
>> your home directory)
>> If neither of these suggestions works, please post the complete output of
>> the bibtex run (from the terminal)
>>> But it didn't seem to produce  myfile.bbl; at least I don't see it
>>> anywhere.  Maybe it didn't generate because of all the errors?
>>> So I'm stuck at this point.
>>> Yes, it was not generated because bibtex ran into troubles.
>>> By the way, I did find a space in the filename, which I closed.  I don't
>>> know how to tell if there are spaces in the directory structure.
>>  Which system are you on (Mac, Linux, Win)? I can help with the first
>> two, but I am hopeless on Windows.
>> Cheers,
>> Stefano
>> P.S. Also, please do not "top post." Answer in line with your replies
>> immediately following the relevant point you are responding to. It makes
>> for easier and faster reading. Besides, it is the list convention....
>> --
>> __________________________________________________
>> Stefano Franchi
>> Associate Research Professor
>> Department of Hispanic Studies         Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
>> Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
>> College Station, Texas, USA
>> stef...@tamu.edu
>> http://stefano.cleinias.org

Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies         Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA


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