On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 1:54 PM, William Hanson <whan...@umn.edu> wrote:

> Breaking News!  I just ran LaTeX(plain) on myfile.lyx and it produced
> mytext.bbl.  I've never gotten a bbl file before.  This is good, isn't it?
> Is there an easy way forward from here?

Assuming your bbl file is correct, you're almost there. You just:

1. open the myfile.bbl file in TeXWorks (be sure to select "all files"
ffrom the open dialog or it won't show up)
2. Select and copy everything in the bbl file
3, go to your myfile,.tex file in TeXWorks, delete the two lines (at the
end), that begin with, respectively, \bibliographystyle and \bibliography
and replace them with the content you just copied from the bbl file.
4. Compile the file again with pdflatex to be sure everything works
correctly and the pdf is how it should be (with all the refs, etcetera).
5. Send to Springer!



Stefano Franchi

stefano.fran...@gmail.com <stef...@tamu.edu>

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