I kind of like the  way it works and i do use the playlists button all the 
time.  I'd say to be harsh, get used to it and learn the way it is as it can 
hopefully get better. My 86 thousand song library loads a lot faster then it 
did under the new iTunes. I will hopefully this weekend be releasing a podcast 
on what I know of the new iTunes. and how to use it.
> On Oct 23, 2014, at 6:03 AM, Ian McNamara <ianmcnamar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, is there any easier way to get iTunes to work the way it did before 
> the update so we have the source table. I tried selecting the play lists 
> radio button as somebody on this list suggested but can’t get the source 
> table to appear. 
> Ian McNamara
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