On Jun 8, 2005, at 3:53 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Jun 8, 2005, at 12:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No promises, but if you want to work on CamelBones for i386, I can put out some feelers and see if we can help someway.

There's been some discussion on the Perl 5 Porters' list as well, wondering if Apple could set up accounts on a 'net-accessible machine. Such a machine would be helpful to several others besides myself. The latest CB version supports standalone .pl scripts. So an account on a shared machine would be quite adequate to for me to run the CB self-tests.

I doubt they are going to allow this, especially for a non-released product.

I spoke with a few people in marketing, and it is already a touch sell, because there is no critical mass yet. They keep pointing to the success of PyObjC and how that community has gelled.

Our resources are limited and we can't be throwing our money around for things that don't pay off. So what is really needed at this point is for the CamelBones community to get together and innovate. Create some killer apps with CamelBones. Get developer excited about this technology.

Edward Moy

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