Juan Manuel Palacios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sunday, February 4, 2007 at
1:29 AM -0800 wrote:
>Hey Mark! Nice to be back and see you're still with us!


>       Thanks for this, I'll review it when I first get a chance and will 
>commit it to base.
>> There are some other manpage additions/enhancements in trac I might be
>> able to get done before 1.4, depending on when that happens.
>       Well, it turns out we're still rather early in the game, so I don't 
>see why we shouldn't wait for your enhancements to be ready. Are you 
>working with any ETA?

No, but I was referring for now was to clear out the tickets in category

-This is finished, pending review:

-I can do these pretty quickly:
document binpath - http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/ticket/6880
modify installer README -

-This one I need some help with.  Where is portfile.1?  I do not see that.
 Is that an error?

-And these I'll look at more closely soon and see if it is man pages that
need updating or just web documentation, perhaps the latter.  I've not
looked closely at them yet.  Any opinions are welcome.

-This is the only one that I might have to defer this to after 1.4, though
I may be able to get it.  I want to try writing it in DocBook and
transforming to a manpage.  If I should do that can the source xml be
stored also for future revisions?  Or would that be a problem?

>> Do manpage
>> enhancements get added to HEAD so they just get automatically rolled 
>> into
>> the next release?  Or do they have to be explicitly added to a new 
>> release
>> when that occurs?
>       I'm planning on cutting a macports_1_4 branch off trunk to make the 
>release (that is, no need to commit to trunk and then merge to the 
>current release branch, darwinports_1_3), so anything new should be 
>added there (trunk) and thus it'll be included in the release 
>automatically whenever we branch. Let me know if you have any 

I see.  That explains it.  Thanks.


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