Juan Manuel Palacios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Tuesday, February 20, 2007 at
9:50 AM -0800 wrote:
>> On 2007-02-13 13:25:23 -0400, Juan Manuel Palacios wrote:
>>>> http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/ticket/5275
>>>     As I said in my comment to this, I don't see much added value to a
>>> portindex(1) man page, users shouldn't see themselves in the need of
>>> indexing manually. And those who do should probably be savvy enough to
>>> figure stuff out on their own. I can't even find the draft I had for
>>> that page ;-) I'll see about closing that ticket.
>> I reported this bug when the PortIndex file wasn't generated
>> automatically twice a day and it was no longer available via
>> rsync.
>       I closed the ticket and marked it as invalid, I really don't think we 
>need a portindex(1) man page. So, with respect to documentation, I 
>guess we're only missing some keys in ports.conf that I'm currently 
>looking into and the portfile.7 updates Mark was putting together in 
>view of Kevin's recent work on base (cf. reworked delete command and 
>new move, copy & ln commands). Mark, any eta on that work?

I just think the whole portfile.7 TCL EXTENSIONS "file" section in general
is not too helpful for MacPorts developers, but I don't think I have time
to fundamentally change it right now.  And I'm not sure if this can be
addressed to my satisfaction in a manfile sort of way, or whether it is
just best handled in documentation anyway.  I could add the new commands
in the same way the new "delete" command was added, and that is all I have
time to do right now, but it seems like we're just announcing new commands
rather than explaining them.  If that is good enough then I could do it
within a week, but frankly I've lost track of the Kevin's description of
the changes and I don't see it in the ChangeLog yet.

Also, I've taken this as a pending item and I can have it done at the same
time as well.  http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/ticket/11010


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