Alex and others,
Thanks. I just created an icloud email account and will work on moving mails from Gmail. This is when I do housekeeping in the Windows side and hopefully make it easier. I kind of wanted to change addresses anyway. :)

Quote of the nanosecond . . .
How important does a person have to be before they are
considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn

On 5/12/2014 7:26 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
I should first say that I use my email account for pretty much everything, and 
have thousands of emails across several folders. I also use it on my Mac, 
iPhone, and sometimes a second Mac, plus a beta OS X partition on my main Mac. 
So, issues that you don't care about are important to me, which will affect my 

First, Gmail's web interface, once you go to the basic page, is much easier to 
use. The iCloud web interface is usable, but is not as convenient and can be 
confusing. Reading messages isn't a problem, but setting up rules or aliases 
can get frustrating at times. Still, it is doable.

Second, iCloud is really easy to set up. Gmail requires you to enter a whole bunch of 
settings, like any email account, and I've had no end of trouble sending ever since I 
enabled two-factor authentication. On the other hand, so long as you are on an Apple 
device, setting up iCloud mail is as easy as signing into your Apple account (which you'd 
likely do anyway) and ticking the "mail" checkbox. As soon as you do, your 
account is set up and your mail syncs over via IMAP.

Third, Apple's IMAP implementation is normal. No "all mail" folder, no 
wondering if trashed messages were deleted or archived, no having tons of auto-saved 
in-progress messages filling up your drafts, no getting multiple copies of messages you 
had given multiple tags...

Fourth, iCloud gives you your main address, plus three aliases you can use. My 
real iCloud address isn't, that's an alias. If I ever needed 
to, I could turn it off. Or, you can make an alias for work and one for home, 
or one for newsletters and online accounts, anything. While Gmail does let you 
modify your address with plus signs and periods, it does not let you use 
completely different usernames like iCloud does.

There are other differences, and google will have them all covered, I'm sure. 
For you though, I think the biggest plus would be the standard IMAP, and the 
biggest minus would be the simple act of switching all your mailing list 
subscriptions and the address all your contacts use.
On May 12, 2014, at 9:43 PM, Robert C <> wrote:

   Please, this is not an invitation to go off on the Gmail issues.

   I am not yet using the Mac for mail so am taking this time to research 
options before I do the work.

   I know some of you have switched from Gmail to iCloud. How well is it 
working and was it difficult to make the switch and set things up with iCloud?

   I use a Gmail IMAP account for email lists and currently running Thunderbird 
in Windows. I have created rules and have had no problems with that at all. I 
save the minimum number of emails, the rest get trashed weekly and would hazard 
a guess that I probably have less than 1,000 emails. This account will not be 
used on other devices, just the Mac. Have 2 other accounts for that and neither 
are used for email lists so no rules necessary.

   Am interested in feedback on how things are going with your iCloud accounts.

Quote of the nanosecond . . .
Law of Mechanical Repair: After your hands become coated with
grease, your nose will begin to itch or you'll have to pee.
Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn

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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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