Honestly, I cannot imagine why I would want to do that, I have, and intend to keep my shell service account. It seems like an interesting tool, tab completion, but for me personally I am a better housekeeper than to need the computer to tell me what files are there.
Thanks for the explanation though.

On Sun, 26 Jun 2022, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

The tab completions in the terminal are controlled by the shell being used. I 
believe Catalina is using an older bash, and that new accounts created with Big 
Sir and newer use zsh because of some licensing issues with the bash shell.
Zsh can get quite complicated in configuring completions, but of course it will never 
match TOPS-20 command line where the "shell" (in quotes) communicated with 
command line applications and knew every switch and had a short description of every 
But I have digressed, pressing tab with either zsh or bash using default Mac 
settings will complete to aa command in the path for arg0 and will complete to 
a filename in additional arguments. If there are multiple matches, I can't 
remember if it just completes to where the multiple versions diverge and then 
beeps repeatedly as additional tabs are pressed, or if additional tabs will 
rotate through the various services. Certainly you should be able to grab your 
linux shell configurations and use them on the Mac with little changes, like 
library paths and paths.

                Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn

On Jun 26, 2022, at 20:35, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries 
<macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:

On 26 Jun, 2022, at 20:03, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:

Perhaps I should ask this differently.
Can one move from the apple desktop into terminal using voiceover and work 
equally as well?
could I work in programs in the terminal using voiceover, just as I can use it  
with programs in the main desktop?
Yes, the terminal is treated as just another application so far as VoiceOver is 
I am not even sure what tab completion means in general, I do not personally 
use the tab key much outside of word processing.
It???s a feature of the shell that completes partially typed commands and file 
names. For example, if you had a directory named ???documents??? and you typed 
???do???, then pressed the tab key, it would complete the rest of the name - 
assuming that there are no other names beginning with ???do???. Typically, 
pressing the tab key twice gives you a list of names that match.

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