On 2/2/07, sebastian maemo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Now the problem is to mount the mmc2 before the system needs it. I've
mounted at minircS, just before the line that says mount_devpts (line number
98). Would it suffice? How do I know? I've tried to put the line much above,
but the script didn't recognized it. Maybe to early.

Note that you don't have to symlink the whole /usr directory. You
could leave the critical files for boot in the on-board /usr and then
individually link other apps into the directory. Or you can use your
path to search for apps in more than one place, etc.

Maybe future secondary apps could be built to install into /opt
instead of /usr and then /opt get added to the search path. That would
make it much easier to get the apps onto the mmc card. You would
symlink /opt to the mmc card and then install the app.

Jon Smirl
maemo-developers mailing list

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