On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 11:16:32AM +0300, Tapani Pälli wrote:
> Daniel Stone wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 09:34:38AM +0200, ext Frantisek Dufka wrote:
> > You mean, modify every single drawing X request in the X protocol so it
> > contains flags, meaning that we have to change every drawing-related
> > function in -- on average -- ten (at least) places in the server
> > codebase, rendering us incompatible with the standard X server codebase,
> > as well as the X protocol?
> >
> > Plus, the update is done long after the drawing information has been
> > discarded.
> >
> > IOW, no.  (Also, bear clips in mind, which complicates things.)
> Well more likely something like this would be implemented as a
> additional flag in GC, right? But I think it would be nicer to just have
> a special call for 2x-blitting, this would be more sense.

Sure, but the update is only done after the final screen pixmap has been
retouched, by which time the GC is also long gone.

> > Sure, but that's mainly because pixel-doubling is a non-portable hack
> > (doesn't exist in other products, doesn't exist on desktops, may not
> > necessarily exist in future products).  It's not a hack because of how
> > it's implemented, but just by its very nature.
> Hmm, I would not call a feature in HW a hack. It's just a feature of
> particular hardware which can be utilized.

The entire concept is a hack around games not running quickly enough in
full resolution.  Specifying that pixels must be exactly _doubled_ is a
hack around both the performance issues and a lack of resolution
independence.  Apparently an important one, if you happen to like SDL
games, but a hack nonetheless.


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