Hi Quim

On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 12:59:09PM +0300, Quim Gil wrote:
> http://repository.maemo.org/extras/pool/chinook/
> Hum, almost empty.
> Mid November, this is when the first real customers are going to start
> playing with Chinook. The N810 will come with the extras repository
> preconfigured, users will only need to activate it manually.
> downloads.maemo.org is going to show OS2008 applications by default to
> PC users and N810 users are going to see this too. (N800/770 users wil
> previous OS versions will get their apps as default).
> All this to say that the sooner your packages hit the extras repository
> the earlier you will get (perhaps) some testing and (perhaps*perhaps)
> feedback from i.e. the 3 <del>mariachis I mean the 3</del> bloggers of
> SF  ;) and other people around using already the OS2008.

The main FBReader author would happily make FBReader available from the
extras repository.  The main reason why it's not there yet is the lack
of way to see how many installations are happening from it. :)  The
download numbers somehow help to prioritize checking/testing for various


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