On 1/21/18 12:30 PM, Carl Zwanzig wrote:
On 1/21/2018 12:13 AM, Peter Shute wrote:
We’re finding that messages sent to our list by Mac users are having jpg attachments removed. I assume this is something to do with the list being plain text only...

If the list is plain-text only, I'd be more curious how images were making their way through, not the reverse.

For what is normally called a 'plain text only list', yes, I would be very surprised to see any pictures. I think it may be possible by enabling the HTML -> Text conversion, but NOT filtering out non-text sections, you might be able to create a semi-text only list, and in such a case, there may be ways to embed an image inline that it gets lost, as well as including the image as its own section so it gets through.

Richard Damon

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