On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 11:22 AM, Hugo Slabbert <hslabb...@stargate.ca>
> They're welcome to run their own server at near-zero maintenance cost.
> But, if that mode of operating the mail server results in other mail
> systems being negatively impacted and the admins of those mail systems then
> taking corrective action that causes delivery issues for the customer,
> that's one of the consequences/implications of running your mail system on
> the cheap (read "poorly/not managed").

I totally get that.  When they got a virus, they ended up on every
blacklist known to man.
Here we are over a week later and they aren't on *any* blacklists and mail
delivery is working properly.

Except for Microsoft properties... :)

> Please know that I'm not trying to pin this on you or say that you're
> managing the system poorly; this is a consequence of the customer's choice
> of how much (little) they want to spend on managing that system/service.

I totally agree.

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