On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 03:54:41PM +0200, Benoit Panizzon via mailop wrote:
> I wonder if DigitalOcean is running for some social media related
> wake-up call.

It would be far easier and much more effective if everyone on this
mailing list caused every mail server that they run to refuse all
mail from all Digital Ocean network space without warning, effective
immediately, remaining in effect until such time as all open issues
have been addressed, apologies have been made, and a convincing plan
for prompt future action put forth.

After all, there seems little reason to continue extending them the
privilege of access to mail (and other) services when they repay that
largesse by abusing it on a mass scale.  And my guess is that a concerted
move of this nature would get their attention in a matter of hours
and that long-overdue remediation would quickly follow.  (And if not?
I don't see a problem with letting them enjoy their intranet.  That
might be the best outcome for all concerned.)

Alternatively, we can continue to note the chronically, systematically,
deliberately abusive conduct of Digital Ocean for another decade or two.


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