In article <> you write:
>It would be far easier and much more effective if everyone on this
>mailing list caused every mail server that they run to refuse all
>mail from all Digital Ocean network space without warning, effective

Don't waste your time, they don't care.  I've blocked all of the
blocks I was aware of for a long time and haven't seen it affect any
real mail at all.

I would encourage people to block their corporate mail servers except
that they don't have any.  Mail for is outsourced to

They could save themselves a lot of pain by just blocking port 25
across their entire network, and saying if you want to send mail, send
it through a submission server somewhere else, and you can get your
VPS port 25 unblocked after you've been a paying customer for three

Other cloud providers do roughly that and it works pretty well.  Some
of them even monetize it by referring users to freemium service at

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