> I browsed their site and found the price list[*] sooner than the FAQs[†].  
> The very last section is For Mailbox Providers and Spam Filter Providers, but 
> doesn't actually tell how to verify if a sender is whitelisted.  I wrote them 
> asking for more info.


The "Participants" page is available from the header: 
https://certified-senders.org/participants/ (Redeye is listed in it)
Same for the FAQ, actually.
I could only find the "Pricing" document by using the lookup tool... am I that 
bad at browsing websites? 

> I cannot find that name in their affiliated website[‡], possibly because that 
> site works badly (maybe they're maintaining it right now?)

This website is independent, and only related to CSA because they'd display the 
CSA Certification label on it (based on whether the ESP is or is not certified).
It's not supposed to be down though, I'm poking the owner in case he's not 
aware ...

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