John Boucher wrote:

!F$PARSE will leave the <> intact.
!And if you're specifically subtracting "]" then you're not subtracting a
!So I'd like to revise my previous command to:
!      $(NOECHO) WRITE TMP "read " , "$(PERL_ARCHLIB)"-"]"-">" , ".auto" ,
!"$(FULLEXT)"-"["-"<" , ".packlist"
!But this still won't work if one value uses "<>" and the other uses "[]".

I think that scenario is unlikely.  RMS allowance of "<",">" in place of
"[","]" was done primarily to accomodate non North American keyboards that
did not necessarily have keys for the "]" and "[" characters.  Hence I
guess that anyone who use ">" as a delimiter would use it all over the

!I'll look into SYS$PARSE, but that would mean writing an executable, which
!violates "using only *very* commonly available VMS tools."

No - please do not bother.  F$parse() is enough of a wrapper around
that if it cannot provide an extra layer of de-obfuscation then there may
no point in taking matters any further.

Peter Prymmer

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