At 05:30 PM 8/11/2004 +0100, you wrote:
>There are some reasonably convincing remarks about the rise of the form, if
>not as I recall the name, in heroic literature in Ruth C Wallerstein, 'The
>Development of the Rhetoric and Metre of the Heroic Couplet 1625-45' PML 50
>(1935), 160ish

It was actually Wallerstein that put me onto this. Wallerstein was Piper's
teacher, and she argued that the heroic couplet so-called was originally
devised as an equivalent for the Latin elegiac couplet -- not heroic at
all. Piper confirmed this. But you see where my question is going: when did
something that was originally used for translating elegies and epigrams
become the de facto meter for epic?

David Wilson-Okamura          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
East Carolina University    Virgil reception, discussion, documents, &c
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